Categories in File Commander

Using File Commander, you can browse files by Category. There are eight categories that help you find and manage your files by directory: internal storage, SD card, third clouds accounts, MobiDrive. You will find the Categories on Home.

  • Pictures
  • Screenshots
  • Music
  • Videos
  • Documents
  • Archives
  • APK

You can hide and reorder the Category tiles. Additionally, the following quick access tiles can help you locate and manage your files 

  • Storage bars take you to Internal storage, SD card, MobiDrive. 
  • Third cloud accounts: you can add multiple cloud accounts including Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive. 
  • Vault helps you protect your sensitive files. 
  • Downloads: Displays the default Android download directory. 
  • Recent files shows you the list of recently opened files.
  • Convert File: File Commander's built-in file converter lets you convert your files between multiple file formats. 
  • Favorites* takes you to your favorite files and folders. 
  • PC File Transfer lets you transfer files between your Android phone or tablet, and your PC over WiFi.  

Organize the tiles
You can hide and reorder the Category tiles on Home. 

  1. Tap the Customize icon in the top right. 
  2. Select the categories you want displayed. 
    and, or 
  3. Drag and drop to rearrange the tiles. 

Note that you can not remove the Storage bars from Home.

*Available with File Commander Premium and Premium+



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