Send or share a file in File Commander

You can send or share your file.

  1. Locate the file you want to share, either through the relevant storage bar or Category.
  2. Select the file or files one-by-one, or Select All on top. 

  3. Tap the Contextual menu on the top rightmost corner, tap Share.

Next, when you send a file, you can:

  • Send a copy of it as an attachment. Tap Send a copy.

  • Save it to MobiDrive and provide a link. Tap Share as link.  

Send multiple files

You can send or share multiple files in one go. 

  1. Select the files you want to send one-by-one, or Select All on top.

  2. Tap the Contextual menu, tap Zip

  3. Give the zip a name. Tap OK to compress the selected files.

  4. Send or share the output zip file. 

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