How to insert PDF pages on iOS

MobiPDF offers users an easy option to insert a variety of content to an already existing PDF. Here are the steps:

  1. Open a document in MobiPDF.

  2. Tap the Home pages home-pages-icon-ios.jpg icon.

    Inserting pages in a PDF - step 2 (iOS)

  3. Tap Insert  add-page-icon-ios.jpeg.

    Inserting pages in a PDF - step 3 (iOS)

  4. Choose from the available options:

    Inserting pages in a PDF - step 4 (iOS)
  • Blank Page: add a new empty page.
  • Another PDF: import the contents from another file.
  • Scan: add content from a scanned paper document.
  • Photos: add any image to your PDF.

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