Create and Save a Presentation to MobiDrive

Create a Presentation

1. Tap the Create button on the bottom.


2. To start from scratch, select Blank Presentationor explore the available templates. 

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Note: There are no templates other than those on the New Presentation dialog.


Save your presentation to MobiDrive
When you save your files to MobiDrive, you can share with others, and get to your files from anywhere - on your computer, tablet, or phone. 

1. Tap the menu in the top right, tap Save or Save as. Alternatively, tap the Back button in the top left, tap Save or Save as.

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2. Name your file. You can change the file format.  

3. Tap Save.


Save elsewhere
Saving documents to MobiDrive is a convenient option, but not the only one. You can save a file on your device or to a third-party cloud. In your Presentation

1. Tap the menu in the top right. 
2. Tap Save or Save as. In the resulting file browser,

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3. Navigate to select where you want it saved: locally (On my device) or to a third-party Cloud.



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