Table tab in Slides

Table tab in Slides Android

The Table tab appears whenever you insert a table in the presentation. It provides a wide range of options for manipulating tables.

Done – Apply any changes made to the element.
Paste – Place cut or copied elements in your document. For further choice on what to paste and what not to you have the following options:
Keep Formatting – Keep any formatting present on the copied or cut content.
Text Only – Pastes only text with no formatting.
Cut – Cut elements from one location, and move them to another via paste.
Copy – Copy elements from one location to another via paste.
Table Style – Adjusts the table color scheme from a list of predefined styles. Features additional table toggles:
  • Header row – The topmost row will be used as a header with special formatting.
  • Total row – The bottommost row will be used as a total row with special formatting.
  • First column – Displays special formatting for the first column of the table.
  • Last column – Displays special formatting for the last column of the table.
  • Banded rows – Applies different visual formatting to alternating rows, making them easier to read.
  • Banded columns – Applies different visual formatting to alternating columns, making them easier to read.
Cell Fill – Fills the selected cell with the specified color.
Insert – Provides options to add more columns and rows to the table. Options here include:
  • Insert Above – Adds a new cell or cell row above the selected range.
  • Insert Below– Adds a new cell or cell row below the selected range.
  • Insert Left – Adds a new cell or cell column to the left of the selected range.
  • Insert Right – Adds a new cell or cell column to the right of the selected range.
Delete – Provides options to remove parts of the table. Options here include:
  • Delete Row – Removes the selected row of cells.
  • Delete Column – Removes the selected cell column.
Merge Cells – Merge two or more cells into one. Note that only the data from the upper-leftmost cell will be retained.
Split Cells – Splits previously merged cells.
Bring Forward – Brings the element one level forward, making it more visible.
Send Backward – Moves the element one level backward, making it less visible.

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