Insert, delete or edit a comment in PDF

Insert, delete or edit a comment in PDF on Android

Insert a comment

  1. On the Review tab, 
  2. Tap Note
  3. Tap where you want to add a note. 

Edit a comment

  1. Select the note, or in View mode
    Tap the menu in the top right, select Outline, select Comments
  2. Select View comment on the floating toolbar. 
  3. Edit the comment. 

Change the Comment mark color 

  1. Select the note, or in View mode
    Tap the menu in the top right, select Outline, select Comments
  2. Select Properties on the floating toolbar. 
  3. Select your color. 

Delete a comment

  1. Select the note, or in View mode
    Tap the menu in the top right, select Outline, select Comments
  2. Select Delete on the floating toolbar. 

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