Animations tab in Slides

Animations tab in Slides iOS

The Animations tab allows you to customize your slides by adding entrance, emphasis and exit effects, as well as motion paths and more to the various elements.

Entrance Effects – Set how the element will appear on the slide by selecting from the gallery of available effects.
Emphasis Effects – Here you can select an effect which will set an emphasis on the selected element.
Exit Effects – Select how the element will disappear from the slide.
Motion Paths – Allows you to set a motion path for the selected element such as a zigzag, loop, star, heart and many more.
Effect Options – Gives you even more options to customize the effect or movement of the element. The options there vary depending on the effect that has been selected.
Duration – Set how long the effect will persist.
Delay – The effect will execute its commands after a pre-defined period of time.

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