Insert tab in Slides

Insert tab in Slides iOS

The Insert tab is used for placing a wide range of visual additions to your spreadsheets, such as graphics and shapes.

New Slide – Adds a new slide to the presentation, and lets you choose from a selection of preset layouts.
Table – Adds a spreadsheet to the slide. You can select the number of columns and rows from the drop down menu that will appear upon tapping the button. A new Table tab will appear at the top ribbon upon insertion of a table, the available options of which are detailed below:
  • Table Styles – Adjusts the table color scheme from a list of predefined styles.
  • Style Options – The Settings tab features additional table options regarding its visual formatting, includes Header row, Total row, First column, Last column, Banded rows, Banded columns.
  • Cell Shading – Select the background colour of the cell.
  • Insert Above – Adds a new row above the table.
  • Insert Below – Adds a new row at the bottom of the table.
  • Insert to the Left – Adds a new column to the left of the table.
  • Insert to the Right – Adds a new column to the right of the table.
  • Delete Row – Deletes the currently selected row.
  • Delete Column – Deletes the currently selected column.
  • Delete Table – Deletes the currently selected table.
  • Merge Cells – Merges two or more selected cells.
  • Split Cells – Allows you to split previously merged cells.
  • Bring Forward – Brings the table one step closer to the front.
  • Bring Backward – Brings the table one step closer to the back.
  • Send to Back – Sends the table behind all other elements.
  • Bring to Front – Brings the table at the front, ahead of all other elements.
Picture – Inserts an image into your document from your iOS Photos app. You may be prompted to grant OfficeSuite access to your Photos in order for this feature to work. Placed images can be modified using the resize and scale anchors, and rotated using the protruding rotate anchor.
Camera Picture – Allows you to insert an image using your iPhone or iPad camera.
Text – Adds a new text box to the slide, which can be modified using the resize and scale anchors, and rotated using the protruding rotate anchor.
Shape – Inserts a predefined line or shape, which can be used as separators or text boxes.
Hyperlink – Adds a hyperlink to any selected text. It can be a web addressemail address, or another slide within the presentation.
Tab – Indents the text one increment to the right.
Line Break – Inserts a line break that moves the text after the type cursor down by one line.

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