Format text in presentation

Format text in presentation iOS

Add and format text

  1. Place the cursor where you want, and type.
  2. Select the text, and then select an option on the Home tab: Font, Font size, Bold, Italic, Underline, ...

Create a bulleted or numbered lists 

  1. On the Home tab, swipe the toolbar to reveal more options. 
  2. Tap the Numbering icon, or select the drop-down menu to find different bullet styles and numbering formats. 


  • Type 1, a full stop, a space, and text, then tap Return key to automatically start a numbered list. 
  • Type *, text, then the Return key to start a bullet list. 

You can also make a list out of existing text:

  1. Select what you want to create a list out of.
  2. Tap HomeBullets or Numbering.

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