Release 11.10
- Text editing in shapes - Now, you can add and format text applied in a shape.
- Format Picture - A new tab "Picture" is now available to help you format the inserted pictures.
Release 11.9
- Bug fixes and Improvements - A more improved and polished OfficeSuite for a better user-friendly experience.
- Improved Header/Footer display - When inserting Header/Footer, Documents will clearly display their position
- Copy/Paste shape improvements - Copy/Paste and Duplicate shapes while the copied shape is still selected.
- Text formatting improvement - Now, you can format text applied in shape without selecting the text.
Release 11.8
- Android 11 - OfficeSuite is now targeting Android 11 and the increased user control over permissions that comes with it.
- Bug-fixes and Improvements - Continual improvements, making OfficeSuite more polished and user-friendly.
- Improved Tab Navigation - Enjoy unobstructed navigation through tabs, regardless of your current selection.
- Improved Tab Navigation - Enjoy unobstructed navigation through tabs, regardless of your current selection.
- Improved Color picker - Now Color picker displays all your recently used colors and color themes.
- Start Slideshow in View mode - Initiate a slideshow quicker with the new Start Slideshow Play button in the View mode.
Release 11.7
- Change Measurement Units - Switch units between inches, millimeters, points, and more.
- TIFF Support - You can now add and visualize TIFF files in Documents, Sheets, and Slides.
- Previous & Next Comment - Discover a practical new way of going through comments methodically.
- Formula Tooltips - Formula argument tooltips will now be shown while entering formulas.
- Fraction Formatting - A new category for Fractions is now available in Number Formatting.
- New Templates - Introducing a batch of beautiful new templates to customize your slides.
Release 11.6
- Web View - Documents will be opened in Web view by default for easier viewing and editing.
- New Color Picker - Enjoy more colors and options to make your document vivid. Colors even adapt to your selected theme.
- Toggle Formula Bar - You can now hide and show the formula bar for improved visibility.
- Improved Tab Navigation - Enjoy unobstructed navigation through tabs, regardless of your current selection.
- Presenter mode - The enhanced Presenter mode allows the user to view speaker notes and controls on one monitor, while the other shows only the presentation.
- New Color Picker - Enjoy more colors and options to make your document vivid. Colors even adapt to your selected theme.
- New Sample Files - Brand-new files for new users to learn more about OfficeSuite and experiment with its features.
- Bug-fixes and Improvements - Continual improvements, making OfficeSuite more polished and user-friendly.
Release 11.5
- Formula Bar - Expand the formula bar for better clarity when working with long formulas.
Release 11.4
- Remove from Dictionary - You can now remove previously added words from your dictionary.
- Share as PDF - Share any document type as a PDF attachment with a single tap.
- Share as PDF - Share any document type as a PDF attachment with a single tap.
- Share as PDF - Share any document type as a PDF attachment with a single tap.
Release 11.3
General Updates:
- Single Sign-In Across Apps - Use one integrated MobiSystems account to sign in automatically to OfficeSuite, File Commander and MobiDrive
Release 11.2
- Three New Templates - Create Certificates, Greeting Cards & Invoices.
- New pagination options - Keep with next, Keep lines together, Page break before.
- Improved Text-to-Speech - You now have Play and Pause buttons for the Text-to-Speech feature.
- Insert Shapes - Make your tables more informative by using shapes and editing them.
- Image Resize - You can now resize images proportionately.
Release 11.1
- New Design Tab - Use the new themes and Design tab to make your documents more unique.
- In Line Shapes - Move shapes in line with text with a long press, followed by a drag and drop.