Release 13.13
- Effortless debugging - You can now share detailed logs with our Support team when you encounter an issue so we can fix it faster. Go to Help and Feedback > Enable debugging > Reproduce the issue once again and send us the logs.
- Usability improvements: Two-row menu refactoring - We successfully refactored the Two-row menu, enhancing the speed and reliability of our app. Enjoy more refined and seamless editing with all modules.
Release 13.12
- SDK Updates - all Third-party SDKs in OfficeSuite Android have been updated to the latest version, so we can ensure better performance and stability.
Release 13.11
- Advanced PDF to Word/Excel conversion - We are happy to introduce you to an extensively revamped feature, that provides best-in-class PDF to Word/Excel conversion in over 100 languages. Now you can enjoy a significant improvement in the quality and precision of scanning and converting PDF files.
Release 13.10
- New slide editing options - you now have the option to select a color, pattern, gradient, or even a picture as your slide background! Have a look at Slides > Design > Background Fill.
Release 13.9
- Bug Fixes & Improvements - Continual improvements, making OfficeSuite more polished and user-friendly.
Release 13.8
- Improved Shape Editor - Now you can resize, rotate, move or switch from one shape to another easier than ever.
- Bug Fixes & Improvements - Continual improvements, making OfficeSuite more polished and user-friendly.
Release 13.7
- Bug Fixes & Improvements - Continual improvements, making OfficeSuite more polished and user-friendly.
- Quick Sign Upgrade - Signing documents is easier than ever with the completely redesigned Quick Sign feature.
Release 13.6
- New Paste Special Options - Format your document quickly and easily with the new Bullets and Numbering Paste Special options.
- Change Theme Color & Font - Customize your presentation’s theme by changing colors and fonts with a single click.
- Enhanced Theme Selection - You can now see the embedded themes of the current presentation in the Themes View section and use a brand-new set of theme designs to make your presentation stand out.
Release 13.5
- OfficeSuite is now targeting Android 13 - To stay informed about the status of your documents and receive special offers, you need to allow OfficeSuite to send you notifications.
- Editing experience upgrade - When you open any expandable menu, the ribbon will automatically hide, giving you even better visibility of the document and more space to edit.
- New "Draw" tab - you can find a new Draw tab that offers four types of drawing textures: pen, nib pen, highlighter and eraser, each with a different options for thickness, opacity and color.
Release 13.4
- Bug fixes and Improvements - A more improved and polished OfficeSuite for a better user-friendly experience
- Open link in Read Mode - URLs and email links can now be opened with a single tap while in "Read mode".
- Align or rotate text in a cell - You can rotate your text up, down, clockwise, counterclockwise, or align vertically.
- Formula Editor modes - We now support all cell modes Edit, Enter, Point, and Ready.
Release 13.3
- Bug-fixes and Improvements - Continual improvements, making OfficeSuite more polished and user-friendly.
- Modify PivotTable - You can now open files containing Pivot Tables and change their layout or apply different styles.
- Rehearsing timings - Record the time it takes to present each slide, and then use the recorded times to automatically switch slides during a presentation.
Release 13.2
- Android 12 - OfficeSuite is now targeting Android 12.
- Bug-fixes and Improvements - Continual improvements, making OfficeSuite more polished and user-friendly.
- Paste into Multiple Cells Selection - Copy plain text with or without formatting and paste it into multiple cells from the same or another table.
- New Layout Tab and Print Options - Prepare your workbook for printing and exporting to PDF via the options in the new Layout Tab.
Release 13.1
General Updates
- Bug fixes and Improvements - A more improved and polished OfficeSuite for a better user-friendly experience
- Play&Pause for Text-to-Speech - Use the new Play&Pause button when you need to stop and continue the Text-to-Speech process.
Release 13.0 Modules' Redesign
New editing experience
Edit features now appear in expandable menus so you can view document changes in real-time.
Always accessible document
While the new expandable menu is open, you’ll be able to scroll, pan, and zoom your document.