Insert Note – Add a note to a page in the PDF by clicking in the relevant location. Notes can be moved by dragging with the mouse. |
Free Text – The Free Text tool allows you to add free-floating text to a PDF.Right-clicking on Free Text allows you to adjust the font size, color, and formatting. |
Right-clicking on Free Text allows you to adjust the font size, color, and formatting. |
Attach File – Attach lets you embed a file into the PDF document, which will be displayed as a small thumbtack icon. |
Highlight – Adds highlighting to selected text within a PDF. |
Right-clicking on highlighted text provides additional customizations:
Highlight Color (popup menu) – Changes the highlight color. |
Open Pop-up Note – Allows you to add a note to the annotation. |
Underline – Can be used to underline selected text within a PDF. |
Right-clicking on underlined text provides additional customizations:
Highlight Color (popup menu) – Changes the underline color. |
Open Pop-up Note – Allows you to add a note to the annotation. |
Strikethrough – Adds a strikethrough effect to selected text within the PDF. |
Right-clicking on stroked-through text provides additional customizations:
Highlight Color (popup menu) – Changes the strikethrough color. |
Open Pop-up Note – Allows you to add a note to the annotation. |
Free Draw – Lets you draw custom line figures, which can appear over text and other document elements. |
Right-clicking on a free drawing provides additional customizations:
Highlight Color (popup menu) – Changes the free drawing color. |
Opacity (popup menu) – Change the opacity of the free drawing. |
Thickness (popup menu) – Adjust the thickness of the free draw pen. |
Open Pop-up Note – Allows you to add a note to the annotation. |
Line – The Line tool is used to add line indicators to a PDF, with customizable color, thickness, and line endings. |
Right-clicking on a line provides additional customizations:
Highlight Color (popup menu) – Changes the line color. |
Opacity (popup menu) – Change the opacity of the line. |
Thickness (popup menu) – Adjust the thickness of the line. |
Line Beginning (popup menu) – Change the line beginning. |
Line Ending (popup menu) – Change the line ending. |
Open Pop-up Note – Allows you to add a note to the annotation. |
Rectangle – Used to overlay a rectangle onto PDF documents. Rectangle color, thickness, and opacity can be customized. |
Right-clicking on a rectangle provides additional customizations:
Highlight Color (popup menu) – Change the color of the rectangle border. |
Fill Color (popup menu) – Change the fill color of the rectangle. |
Opacity (popup menu) – Change the opacity of the rectangle. |
Thickness (popup menu) – Adjust the thickness of the rectangle border. |
Open Pop-up Note – Allows you to add a note to the annotation. |
Ellipse – The Ellipse tool is used to overlay ellipses and circles into your PDF. You can adjust ellipse color, thickness, and opacity. |
Right-clicking on an ellipse provides additional customizations:
Highlight Color (popup menu) – Change the color of the ellipse border. |
Fill Color (popup menu) – Change the fill color of the ellipse. |
Opacity (popup menu) – Change the opacity of the ellipse. |
Thickness (popup menu) – Adjust the thickness of the ellipse border. |
Open Pop-up Note – Allows you to add a note to the annotation. |
Insert Stamp – Insert a stamp on the PDF document such as Approved, Void, Confidential and more. |